Words related to category: Ts-M4 Nautical Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
boot boat | daat crew | -daat humans aboard (suffix on numerals) | daay steer | dee rope | deeg̱a̱deelpk anchor line | didaat crew a boat | gits'ooya̱x bow of a boat | giwkł paddle a canoe | g̱a̱deelpk anchor | g̱a̱lsg̱a̱ntk three (boats) | g̱a̱n'uksłee boom | g̱a̱nlaayt'ak barometer/buoys | g̱a̱nlaayt'igm la̱xa weather barometer | g̱a̱nlutgubaa pulley | g̱a̱n'oksinsk bumper | g̱eemg̱a̱nsk oar | hagwilhuug̱a̱deelpk anchor line | hagyooks keel | hakhałoomboot sailboats | ha'liwaay oar lock | hałoomboot sailboat | hałoomxsoo canoe with a sail | hałoopk flint | hats'iiknsgm boot drydock | hawaay paddle | la̱g̱a̱xg̱a̱deelpk anchor on both ends | la̱g̱a̱x txa̱naaẅ landing places or moorings on both sides of a point of land | lusg̱a̱'ayee partitions/bulkhead | łgwüłuugyit plug for a boat | manwo sailors | mo'a̱n put aboard | moxk be aboard | naaẅ moor | nde'wah line | nde'wah g̱a̱deelpk anchor line | nigyooks anchorage | 'ng̱a̱deelpk anchorage(s) | psee corking cotton | ptalmboot ribs of a boat | saxs ts'ipdeeks'atugboat | saxs wilduulgyit battleship | sa̱xslooygm gyet bus/ferry | sa̱xs aat gillnetter | sa̱xs uumtxaw halibut boat | sgaw barge | sg̱a̱nhałoo mast | smxsoo canoe | sta'aw canoe | stiimboodmgyilhawli train | stiimboodmḵ'ala'aks riverboat | stiimbootsteamboat | taag̱a̱n plank | ts'ikts'ik car | uksdaawł fall overboard | waay paddle/row | waay propeller of a boat | xaayk tip over/capsize | xsoo canoe | yuhadaay steering a canoe |